Friday, June 01, 2012

Weird things

I just found this 30-day blog challenge on the internet (pronounced as inner-net, ang arte ko eh), and I decided to give it a try… I am not sure how I am going to pull this off, though, since I don’t really go online on the weekends… Nevertheless, this entry is for day 1.

Day 1: Weird things I do when I’m alone

I do not know whether the things I do when I am alone are weird. You see, I think I do pretty normal things, like listen to music, watch a movie on my laptop, watch anime, read manga, read a book, sleep, eat, pray and read the Bible. Pretty normal, right? 

Well, let me see if I can think of something weird… Come to think of it, some people think reading the Bible is weird. I remember the first day of our class last year. I sat next to this girl, who later became one of my closest friends, and since she seemed to not have any intention of talking to me during that first day, and since the seat I was sitting on was located in the aisle, I got my Bible from my bag and started reading it. Later on, when I and the said girl got closer, she confessed that she was about to talk me when I brought out my Bible, and seeing that made her hesitant. 

Hmmm… back to weird things… (light bulb) is talking to one’s self weird? I mean, I talk to myself a lot when I’m alone, since there isn’t anybody else to talk to. And I actually like talking to myself… (you got any problem with that?) 

Hmmm… more weird things… I sing my heart out, like I’m in my own concert… (is that weird? IDK) and I pee with the bathroom door open, fart as loud as I can (heck, I even do that even when my parents or siblings are around) and I dance…(dancing is surely weird)

That’s about it for day 1. :)

**photos above from Google search ^^

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