Sunday, October 27, 2013

Waiting... hoping... dying? Wait, what?

Psychology says I am an insensitive narcissist. Well, as a matter of fact, some people who do know me also say that. I won't write on how they are wrong, no, this post is not about me defending myself from their accusations, because the thing is, they are probably right. 

I mean, I do care about other people, but I only sincerely feel that way for them when I know they care for me, too.  I know I am selfish, and a very close loved-one even told me before that I get by without even caring. That statement did hurt me, surprisingly. I mean, come on, I care about my family and I care about my friends, and my dog. I know they love me, so I love them, as well. Maybe I just don’t know how to properly show it all the time. That's why a doctor of psychology told me before to try to be sweeter, which I have been trying (and failing) to do. 

Nevertheless, when it comes to that other kind of love, you know, the one which is not familial or friendly, I still do prefer to be numb just so I can be invincible. Someone even told me I don’t know what hurt feels like, because real hurt, according to that person, is knowing you've disappointed someone you love. Somehow he seemed right, I mean, how can I hurt if I am not willing to let anybody in. Then again, the point of not letting anybody in is about not getting emotionally hurt.  

I didn’t realize that trying to be invincible can actually lead to my defeat. (deleted parts :P hahahaha)

Maybe I am just being a control freak, not being able to know how he feels is making me crazy.. And not being able to control the way I've been feeling is also making me mental.