Monday, May 14, 2012

Romans 6: 12

"Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires."

In the 6th Chapter of Romans, Paul reminds us that we should no longer live in sin because when we accept Jesus Christ in our lives, we already died with Him in the cross and the moment we died from the cross, we become free from sin, as Christ conquered sin in that cross. 

As Christians, we are already "new" beings. This means that we now have new outlook and new perspectives in life. Before we accepted God, sin was a big part of our lives. That was normal by then because we did not have God in our lives yet. As we know, "sin" is the absence of God. However, the moment we accepted Jesus as our savior, we are protected from sin. Now, the problem is some of us let our sins haunt us. Even though, we are already Christians, we continue sinning because we let our old selves come back and taunt us. Still, if we, as Christians, would do things to strengthen ourselves in our faith, we can resist sin. You see, if we would let sin enter our lives, there would come a time when we would not be able to control ourselves anymore, and we would be conquered by our sin and be led away from God. Therefore, if we want to stay close to God, we should avoid sinning so that our mortal bodies would be resistant to sin's evil desires.

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