Friday, May 11, 2012

John 16:15

"All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said THE SPIRIT WILL TAKE FROM WHAT IS MINE and MAKE IT KNOWN TO YOU."

One of the greatest mysteries in life is how God has three personas and yet, there is only one God. Try as we might, we cannot decipher it because it is a heavenly thing and we cannot understand things that are from heaven, given that we haven’t been there. Anyway, understanding is not as important as believing. As Christ has said, whoever accepts me, accepts the one who sent me, who is the Father in heaven. Therefore, if you accept Christ, you believe in God, and Christ will give you the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Some people will say that humans are composed of two things, the body and the soul. However, Christians are composed of three things: the flesh, the soul and the spirit. The spirit I am referring to is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence in our lives. Therefore, even when Christ has not come back yet, we have God within us. That is what Jesus meant when He said, “Unless I go away, the Counsellor will not go to you.” The counsellor he was referring to was the Holy Spirit. The reason why He called the Holy Spirit a counsellor was because the Spirit would be the one that will guide us to do what is right and the one that will reveal the truth to us. The Holy Spirit will do what Jesus did before when He was with His disciples. Thus, even when Jesus is now in heaven, He has a representative in our lives. How amazing God is and how true He is to His promises. Didn’t He say that He will never leave us nor forsake us?

Hence, you do not need to be afraid of anything in this world. If you are a true believer of God, you will know that He is always by your side. It would also be better if you can be sensitive and always attendant to what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you. 

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