7 of Ezekiel talks about the judgment day. It indicates how God will destroy
nations and turn His face on people. It also states that He will judge people
according to their conduct here on Earth. Gold, silver, jewelries and other
precious things in this world would be made worthless. Wickedness shall be
God said that He will judge people according to their conduct and by their own
standards. Why would He do that? He would do that so that people would know
that He is the Lord.
nowadays worship money and other wordly things. Unfortunately, a great
number of the citizens of this world are slaves to their own sins. They fail to
recognize the most important thing in life, which is GOD. They would not accept
the fact that they are nothing without God. That He created them; some of them
would rather believe that they came from apes. Some of them even claim that
they are gods or that they can be gods themselves and they do not need Jesus.
Oh what folly!
understand how God can be so vexed to the point that he would finally put an
end to every foolishness.
you choose to live according to God’s will, set aside tradition and religious
beliefs and practices, accept Jesus as your savior and recognize Him as the
ONLY way to God and start a relationship with God, then you can be spared from
God’s wrath.
verse 4 of Ezekiel 7, God said, “…I will surely
repay you for your conduct and the detestable practices among you.“
(He actually kept on repeating that statement throughout the chapter)
if your conduct is not offensive to God and if you do not do practices that are
detestable to His eyes, then you will not experience the violence of the
judgment day.
are you waiting for? Accept Jesus and live your life for God.
Tradition and religion would not save you, only a relationship
with Jesus leads to salvation.
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