Monday, June 25, 2012


I decided to bring the 30-day blog challenge I was doing to a halt. I just can't post daily... I have become soooooooo busy with school and work and other stuff  that I finally gave up on it.  To my few readers, I am really sorry... :(

On another note, I feel so friendless these days... Not that I literally don't have any friends, I do have a lot, actually. It's just that I've been avoiding the group of girls I usually hang out with at school... It just feels like there's something wrong... something missing... I even feel like I'm the problem. The truth is, I can hang out with anyone I want...I've never had problems getting along with different kinds of people since I don't stereotype. Nevertheless, the fact that I haven't been feeling comfortable around this certain group of girls is maddening. And it saddens me, too, especially since we've hung out with one another and we've been a group since the first days of school... Needless to say, I feel like crap. I feel very tired, sleepy and friendless. And I am sounding grouchy, which isn't good....

Anyhow, we have choir practice tomorrow, and I hope that being with my choir mates/friends will cheer me up. And maybe I will see Beautiful Eyes tomorrow... He'll definitely make me feel better, like he did last Friday. :)      

Friday, June 22, 2012

Crap.. uhm, I mean Craft

I saw these envelopes when I rummaged through my closet to look for some legal documents. 

Seeing them was nostalgic. You see, I actually made them when I was in high school (about 6 or 5 years ago) and I can still remember my friends commenting on how I can't be stopped from cutting papers... Man, I miss KG sooooooo much!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sweets!! YUM!

That is a mini bag of sweets from K, my friend/classmate who just got back from Japan. I love Kiki and Lala. and I love K, too! 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What me scaredy?

Only one thing makes me scared. NOTHING. Enough said.

~~I have this holy fear of the Lord, though, but I don’t think God is scary so I can’t be scared of Him. Speaking of God, it's the Lord's day today. Hence, it would be best if you can go to church and try to spend time with Him. ^_^

(DAY 17: Things that make you scared)

Saturday, June 16, 2012


a. Truth be told, I’m friendly. I don’t choose the people I hang out with. I can spend time, laugh, exchange jokes, share food, and do other fun stuff with anyone. I don’t care about stereotyping.

b. I’m honest. I believe that truth is always the best option. This is also related to the fact that I don’t like liars.

c. I am not very concerned about what others think of me and my personality. I don’t live to please any human. I don’t care about what they say or how they judge me. Their opinions are no big deal. As long as I’m not hurting anyone, and I’m not being sinful to God, I’ll do what I want and I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I live to please God, I try to make Him smile everyday and most of the time, I feel like I fail. So, since I’m already minding what God thinks of me, I don’t have time to care about how others perceive my actions and attitude.

(DAY 16:3 things you are proud of about your personality)

posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, June 15, 2012

They are FREE

I guess Ill just have to make a list of the seven best things that happened to me this week for today's challenge. And since it's Friday, I'll talk about the highlights of each day from Saturday, June 9, until now, June 15.

1. (Sat) Aside from being home for the weekends, I was also happy of the fact that I was able to attend a cell group.
2. (Sun) I was able to go to church…. ^_^
3. (Mon) Well, I met this certain individual who is ten years my senior and who is working on getting married. (hahahahaha… Please bear with me; I think I’m kinda infatuated with him, although I know that he is already engaged. He’s just so cute [not very handsome] and conversant and not so polite and I have the tendency to crush on older men. XD)
4. (Tue)  ahhhhhh…. Can't think of anything. Aside from the fact that it was Independence Day… er...
5. (Wed) back to school!! The best thing about being back to school is being able to meet my friends again… I missed the way we laugh and hang out with each other… the way we bully and love one another like friends do…
6. (Thu) I got new shoes!!! 'Twas one day late but it was OK. It was pretty, after all… (It is also one of those feet-killers but who cares about that?)
7. (Fri) I met this cool guy. Enough said. <3 

(DAY 15)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

WARNING: Don't read this if you are squeamish (or judgmental)

Oh! I don’t know why I’m so excited about today’s challenge. Or maybe I know why, it’s probably because I do a lot of disgusting (and unladylike) stuff. It’s unfortunate, though, that I only need to talk about something, not about some things. And even when I want to discuss all the things I do that shock most people, I don't really have the time to write about them. XD

The truth is I don’t really think that the things I do are disgusting. I know they are not ladylike, but I don’t think being unladylike is being disgusting. However, some people (a lot of people, actually) find some of the things I do as repugnant.

For example, some people feel aghast when I announce that I need to take a dump or that I’m taking a dump or that my sister or brother or anyone else is taking a dump in the bathroom when someone asks me where that someone else is. I also talk about taking a dump without discretion. I discuss it with my friends (mostly with the male ones, my girlfriends are not as open about their bowel movements as my boyfriends), ask my friends if they just took a dump when I am quite sure that they actually did, and talk about good and bad spots for taking a dump in and around our school. I mean, isn’t taking a dump normal? Everyone does that, right? If you don’t, then you’re the one who isn’t normal. In addition, I can’t help it if I treat feces as just another type of specimen that I need to study or examine. I’m taking a pre-med course, after all, and my course impels me to stomach that so-called disgusting excretion, even if it isn’t mine.

So, I guess that’s about it for now. I would like to talk about other “disgusting” stuff, but maybe I already sickened some of my few readers (I did warn you all with the title, see?). I am sorry, it’s just that this challenge can really be weird and fun when it wants to. 

(DAY 14)

(got the photo above from this site)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just tried to make it longer... :)

Here in the RP, the general custom is that you cannot date someone unless he/she is already in a relationship with you. Frankly speaking, I do not agree with that notion. I think that the whole courtship thing before dating is not ideal. I mean, during courtship, a guy would do everything that is possible to make sure that he is able to present a good impression on a girl or on the parents of the girl.  Then, after being able to finally catch the girl’s heart, and making sure that the girl’s parents approve of him, the guy would then show his true colors and the girlfriend would suffer.  

Conversely, the concept of dating is actually nice as it allows a man and a woman to get to know one another. Of course, people also try to be nice when they are on dates, but there are certain situations that can happen when people are dating that would impel them to show their genuine personality.

OK, enough about that… I know I’m supposed to be talking about a date that I would love to go on, not discuss dating.

Well, I would love to go on a date with E… hahaha! That’s all! XD

(DAY 13)

(Photos above not mine; got the 1st photo from this site and the 2nd photo from this one.)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

An Open Letter

Dear M,

I don’t know why we had to end the relationship we had. I mean, it was magical. The first time I met you, I knew we were kindred spirits. And we did have a lot of things in common, right? However, things didn’t always turn up as how we want them to. I guess it’s safe to say that we grew apart. I know we didn’t officially end our relationship, but with all the things that happened, I just know that it was best to just forget you. Actually, I haven’t thought of you for a long time. You just crossed my mind again when I read that old diary of mine. (I somehow felt like reading my old diaries, you see.) And after reading it and reminiscing the moments we spent together, I think I am ready to forgive. And I hope you’ll forgive me too. Until the next time I see you, whenever that is, if that can actually take place…

I remain yours truly,

(DAY 12)

Monday, June 11, 2012


I have to write about how single life is for today’s challenge. (Arrrrrrrghh…. I want this challenge to end already!!)

So, being single is actually very nice. I mean, you can flirt with anybody without worrying whether someone might get angry. You can text any member of the opposite sex and keep his messages on your phone for as long as you want without having someone ask you why you’re texting him. You can stay out late, heck, stay out even until early morning, and not have your parents worry or text you every single minute just because they’re worried that you’re getting too intimate with the guy you are out with. You can hug every boy you feel like hugging without getting disapproving looks from your friends. You can kiss any cute guy you feel like kissing without feeling guilty about it. You can be yourself around any gorgeous guy without worrying that he would see something imperfect in you that would impel him to break up. You can cheer your heart out to any hot basketball player without making anyone, or at least not someone you care about, jealous.   You can do a lot of things…. Spend time with your family, hang out with your friends, do crazy stuff when you’re alone, play with your dog, do things for God and for the love of God without someone constantly texting or calling or showing up at your door or asking you to go on a date with him. And last but not the least, you won’t have to think of ways to end a relationship you’re not happy about anymore without hurting someone’s feelings. Or if you’re me, you won’t have to actually hurt someone by telling him to his face that you just don’t wanna see him anymore, for no apparent and rational reason, and that whatever kind of relationship you have with him is totally over. And then feel guilty about it, or maybe not. OK, I mean I didn’t really feel guilty… I don’t… even when those around me tell me I should. (Yes, I know, I'm mean... but.... alright, I don't wanna explain myself.) 


*The photo above is from this site.

(DAY 11)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Alcohol and other drugs....

Today's challenge obliges me to write about my views on drugs and alcohol.

Well, drugs are actually supposed to be beneficial to us as they were originally manufactured to alleviate our pains and suffering when we get sick, to extend our lives and to promote our well-being.

As for alcohol, it is one of the families under organic compounds, and the most common alcohols are methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol. Alcohols are supposed to be used as disinfectants and antiseptics, although their use as antiseptics is not much encouraged because of the painful sensation they give. There are a lot of other uses of alcohols, (like as fuel, as solvent, in perfume, in food, etc.) but I'm not gonna discuss them all.

Nevertheless, the abuse of both drugs and alcohol brings about harmful effects not only on the individual abusing it/them, but also on those he/she surrounds. Therefore, I am against improper and abusive use of these materials, which are supposed to be used in an advantageous manner. It is alright to drink alcoholic beverages every now and then, I mean, wine is good for the heart, but, anything in excess is deadly. And that's what everyone should keep in mind. 

(DAY 10)

[Images above not mine. Got them from google search.. Actual sources: drugs, alcohol]

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Kissie kissie

I do not really feel comfortable writing about my last kiss since a kiss can be on the cheek, forehead, lips, shoulder, hand, feet,etc. Needless to say, it's another ambiguous word. Also, my relatives do not even know whether I already have a first kiss or not. Haha! 

Anyway, I guess it's safe to talk about friendly kisses (not romantic and French ones o_O).

So, my last friendly kiss was last Monday. I don't even know who my last kiss was since a number of my friends kissed me. It's probably G, though.

And my parents kiss me every time they get a chance to do so, which is everyday for my dad (I reside in another city with him) and every weekend for my mom. My siblings, especially the youngest one, also kiss me when I am home. And my dog kisses me and I kiss him too. (his kiss is absolutely wet) :-* 

(That's P, my youngest bro..)

If you really have to know, though, my last intimate kiss was with E. XD

(day 9)

Friday, June 08, 2012


When I read the topic for today’s challenge yesterday, I had to think very deeply. You see, I’m not really the kind of person who worries about certain things. I do worry about people since my happiness depends on them being happy, but I try not to let my worries affect my mood or my attitude or whatever. (I know, I know... my hormones affect my attitude, my mood and my whatever big time.) However, the thing is I have to write about something, not about someone. Therefore, I told myself that I’d probably just skip today’s challenge. Or I could just write about the challenge for today as something that I am worrying about.

Then again, this afternoon, just some minutes ago, I noticed something I have to be worried about. It was my schedule on Monday. As you already know, I work as a part-time online English instructor. I work from 18:00 to 23:00, which means that I work for 5 hours. Let me take this opportunity to actually describe what I do as an online teacher. I handle one-on-one video classes from Mondays to Fridays. Each class is supposed to last for 25 minutes (the schedule says 30 minutes, like 18:30-19:00, but the required time is only 25 minutes), you can extend the time, and it’s actually more ideal to do that, but you cannot have a class for less than 25 minutes, unless your student is late. Then again, since there is this 5-minute interval in between marathon classes, your student can be five minutes late and you can still talk to him/her for 25 minutes. Let’s just say that most of the time, okay, all the time, since I love my students sooooo much and since they also like me (I guess), the supposed to be 25-minute class lasts for 28-34 minutes. Needless to say, I always extend my classes. It’s not because I have poor time management skills, it’s because I want to at least make each of my students feel special, that I’m not in a hurry to end our class. So there.

Anyway, since I work 5 hours, the maximum number of students I can have, if I don’t wanna rest or go to the bathroom to pee (or to take a dump) or eat or breathe, is 10. Now, if I want to be human, like how I actually am, I think the justifiable number of students I can have is 8. And this is my schedule for Monday….

Now, if talking non-stop for 4 and a half hours is something I shouldn't be worried about, then I guess I can accept Captain America's proposal of how I should join the avengers. Haha! Kidding! That schedule is not a joke, though. 

Nevertheless, I know I can do it. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And I'll show our manager that she can even put 10 students on my schedule, and I won't complain. I'll just do my job, pass my reports on time, and make each of those students happy. Even if it means that I would be tired. What is stress, anyway? 

(DAY 8)

Thursday, June 07, 2012

All evil is easy.... Stay away from easy.

Cheating- according to, cheating can refer to being dishonest and to being sexually unfaithful. Actually, for me, it does not matter whether one cheats in a test, or a game, or in a relationship, because for me, cheating is lying. And the only thing in this world that I cannot stand is a liar. Well, I also like don’t like stupid people, but I can at least try to be patient to those who are not as smart as I want them to be. However, a liar is an abominable creature. You see, lies destroy a lot of things. It destroys families, friendships, even one’s relationship to God. Satan was not called the father of lies for no reason or basis. He is the best liar ever, and the way he deceives people is unforgivable. And the way some people can be cheaters is very vexing, very vexing indeed.

Cheating in an exam or in a simple game may be trivial to some, but those who actually do it are the ones who also cheat in their jobs once they get employed. They are the ones who make up sad excuses when they get late, the ones who manipulate their subordinates to do their jobs for them, those who appear very busy, when the truth is, all they do is gossip. Obviously, they are people who cannot be trusted, because they don’t have integrity.

As for being sexually unfaithful, it is actually sad that a lot of men think that they have a right to be polygamous just because they are men; like their gender is an excuse for not practicing fidelity. I am not being sexist here; I know a man would not cheat if his wife is able to satisfy him. As a matter of fact, I think the folly is in the reality that people do not understand the real meaning of love. Love is not about sex. Sex is a part of love; it is not what it is all about. I mean, the union of bodies is a sacred aspect of love, but people should not forget that it is not only their bodies that should unite. There should be union of emotions, thoughts, of the souls. I think a husband would not cheat his wife if his wife did not cheat him to begin with (unless he is a total a-hole who isn’t capable of loving). I am not saying that wives are sexually unfaithful, I am just saying that maybe, they cheated their husbands emotionally or psychologically; thus, their men succumbed to sexual infidelity. Oh my… I don’t even know what I’m talking about. o_O

Then again, if people would only live their lives for God, and if couples would have God as the center of their relationships, no one, not even one, would be deceived by Satan to do what he does, which is to cheat.

(Day 7)

*The title of this post is a part of Scott Alexander's quote about cheating.
Image above from google search... (actual source)

Wednesday, June 06, 2012


For today’s challenge, I have to write about the person I like and why I like him/her. Like is such an ambiguous word, don’t you think. And I like a lot of people… I can’t help it… and I think they like me, too. They probably can’t help it as well.

Anyhow, I think it is just best to write about this certain boy who I really like even though I do not actually know who he is. You see, there is this certain kid who lives in the town next to my hometown, and I like him soooo much, because he smiles at me every time he sees me. He probably does that a lot, but I don’t care. I think he has a good nature. And it’s sad that I haven’t seen him for quite some time since I am not home a lot. I mean, I’ve been residing in a different city for almost a year now so I’m only able to go home on the weekends and on holidays. Nevertheless, that kid used to make my day. I kinda miss him, too.  

(DAY 6)

That picture above is not the kid, OK? I just got that photo from this site...  The smiling boy is older than that baby. Well, come to think of it, they kinda look like each other.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012



About the opposite sex

1. Their ability to take off their shirts wherever they are; I think it’s unfair that they can do that without worrying about getting strange looks…
2. Their insensitivity…
3. The way they shop…
4. Their ego…
5. The way they gossip… hahaha!

About the same sex

1. The way some girls put too much importance on looking good; I mean, it’s important, but it doesn’t have to be what their world is about… there are a lot more significant endeavors in the world…
2. Their sensitivity…
3. The way some girls (especially college students) can be "conyo"* 
4. How they can be snobs at certain times…
5. The way they gossip… hehehe!

(DAY 5)

Also used in the Philippines as a semi-derogatory term for people who seem to be high-class and vain or conscious about their social status and speak in Taglish or broken-Tagalog mixed with English.
Wow, you're so conyo, you don't even know what dilis is! That's fried fish! (SOURCE)

Monday, June 04, 2012


For real? I need to write about what I wear to bed for today’s challenge??? Why would there be a need for that?? I think this challenge is truly odd…

Anyway, if I must write about it then I guess I just have to tell you I just wear normal sleepwear… I wear short shorts and a big shirt…

(this little girl is sooo kawaii ^^)

When I’m at home, I don’t wear anything under them, but when I’m in the dormitory, I feel obliged to wear something beneath them… I also wear green pajamas when it gets cold… That’s all.

(Photos above not mine; got them all from google image search o_O)

(DAY 4)

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Vexing Challenge

The topic for day 3 is really vexing. Hahaha! How am I supposed to know what kind of person attracts me?? Alright, well, I guess I have to give it a shot…

It’s a question most of my girlfriends ask me, anyway. And most of the time, I won’t really be able to answer truthfully. Hehehe! Somehow, I don’t wanna answer that question seriously. I’ll just joke and say, a good looking guy with a better looking bank account. And then we’ll all end up laughing.  Well, that’s me. The smart (ass) joker. HA! HA!

Anyhow, since I now feel obliged to answer that abominable question, I think I might as well let my few readers know about my type of man.

Looks don’t matter that much to me. My first love was really handsome but the next guy I loved was not so handsome. He was cute, though. Of course I do find some guys very attractive but when looks are the basis for my fondness, it means that my fondness is just a phase. A phase that will eventually end after I get tired of looking at a handsome guy’s face (and body), and find someone more attractive for me. In short, I don’t really care how one looks like. The appearance is not everything for me. However, my ideal man will be taller than me. If he is as short as me, or even worse, shorter than me, then he might be a dwarf. And I don’t have any intentions of being in a relationship with a dwarf. (mean, mean me)

I like guys who are smart. Not the know-it-all type but the kind that I can have good and meaningful conversations with. Not the bore-me-to-death type but the one who can make witty jokes and make me laugh as hard as I can. He does not have to be academically smart but he has to have the ability to satisfy my mental needs. Mental. That sounds odd. Maybe I should say, he should be able to satisfy my brains. And I am brainy, modesty aside. So I can’t be with a guy who won’t be able to keep up with my comprehension (and conversation) skills. Plus, am not very patient when it comes to explaining the obvious. And I don’t really like to repeat things I have already said. 

He does not have to be rich but he has to have a good source of income. Am being practical here so don’t get me wrong. I have been earning money for my self (and my family) for almost four years now. And I’ll only be turning 22 on November. So there, you get the picture. I won’t be able to stand a guy who will depend on me for money. I’m no sugar momma. 

There are a lot of other good attributes that a good and ideal guy should have but I’ll be satisfied with just three more. A guy should be God-fearing, honest and most importantly, he should like me too.

So, there you go. Those are the characteristics that a man should possess to attract me.

But of course, I am not sure if there is such a guy. If you know one, introduce him to me! hahahahahaha!!

Mizushima Hiro (I got a huge crush on this guy,too bad he's already married)

“Love is not looking for the perfect person but rather seeing an imperfect person perfectly.”- Anonymous

(DAY 3)

**photo above not it from this site.

Saturday, June 02, 2012


So I ought to write about how I have changed in the past two years for today’s challenge. Hmmm.. let’s see…

Going back two years would bring me to 2010. June 2010 to be exact. I believe I was working as a team leader in a small online English company during that year… and that after a month, in July 2010, I decided to transfer to a much bigger company. I met a lot of people and I travelled for a number of times in the same year.

2011 brought me back to school and allowed me to meet new and young friends. My birthday last year was also a bit special as it fell on 11.11.11. Well, it always falls on 11.11; it’s just that last year was 2011 so it became a triple 11 thingy. (Am I making any sense?)

What was I supposed to be writing about again? Ah, right, changes. Well, we now attend a different church… we used to go to this Christian church in a neighbouring town, but since my father did not feel the presence of God there, we started attending a church in a neighbouring city.

My priority has also changed a bit. I mean, God is still number one and my family still comes second, but now, my studies is top three on my list. 

(???? ^_^)

My career used to be the one in that place, you see. I had to resign from my job last year since I decided to study, but I now find myself as a part-time worker in the same industry. Guess I can’t really stop myself from wanting to teach.

Furthermore, I used to not care about how I look, but now I like to look good. I guess the friends I met in the big company where I worked awakened my passion for fashion. Haha!

(some signs of vanity: high heels [which I definitely need], obsession with nail art and wearing make-up)

I guess I can also say that I have become more responsible. If you have read my previous entries, you would know that I now stay in a dormitory. My life there made me learn to wash my own clothes (just the dark ones, of course), fix my bed in the morning, and do other chores, which I hate to do. :P  

(DAY 2)

Friday, June 01, 2012

Weird things

I just found this 30-day blog challenge on the internet (pronounced as inner-net, ang arte ko eh), and I decided to give it a try… I am not sure how I am going to pull this off, though, since I don’t really go online on the weekends… Nevertheless, this entry is for day 1.

Day 1: Weird things I do when I’m alone

I do not know whether the things I do when I am alone are weird. You see, I think I do pretty normal things, like listen to music, watch a movie on my laptop, watch anime, read manga, read a book, sleep, eat, pray and read the Bible. Pretty normal, right? 

Well, let me see if I can think of something weird… Come to think of it, some people think reading the Bible is weird. I remember the first day of our class last year. I sat next to this girl, who later became one of my closest friends, and since she seemed to not have any intention of talking to me during that first day, and since the seat I was sitting on was located in the aisle, I got my Bible from my bag and started reading it. Later on, when I and the said girl got closer, she confessed that she was about to talk me when I brought out my Bible, and seeing that made her hesitant. 

Hmmm… back to weird things… (light bulb) is talking to one’s self weird? I mean, I talk to myself a lot when I’m alone, since there isn’t anybody else to talk to. And I actually like talking to myself… (you got any problem with that?) 

Hmmm… more weird things… I sing my heart out, like I’m in my own concert… (is that weird? IDK) and I pee with the bathroom door open, fart as loud as I can (heck, I even do that even when my parents or siblings are around) and I dance…(dancing is surely weird)

That’s about it for day 1. :)

**photos above from Google search ^^

On waking up and hormones

I just received a text message from my dad asking me if I can wake up before 7 am tomorrow so we can go home early…He makes it sound like he is asking me a huge favor, like I can’t wake up that early… Ha! Of course…. he is right! XD

Well, truth is, I can actually wake up early if I put my heart and soul into it. I mean, living in the dormitory and having a very early schedule at school obliged me to learn to wake up by myself, and I can wake up on my own now. I am sure that the sound of my alarm clock annoys my roommates, though. It’s just that I tend to stay on bed longer these days since I don’t have school and since I work part-time until 23:00. I have such a messed up sleeping pattern. Messed up is not even the best word for it, but I want to limit my use of profane words to emergency situations. Anyway, I have to get used to waking up before 7 am again since school will start next Wednesday.

On another note, I am feeling better today. I have been feeling like crap until this morning due to the fact that my cycle is also messed up, and that the red fairy is 4 days late in visiting me. My hormones might be the ones doing the talking (or writing) but I almost screamed with glee when the fairy finally arrived. Not that I have to be nervous about the fairy being late; I don’t do anything I am not supposed to do. It’s just that having an irregular cycle makes me emotionally and mentally unstable. Hahaha… I am not sure if I’m supposed to be writing about this, but hey, this is my blog and I can blame my hormones for everything. ^_^

(Photo not mine, got it from google search.. from this site.)